Chairperson – Ramakrishna Vedanta Society (RKVS) – Board Of Trustees
For some time now the idea of updating the constitution of the RKVS has been contemplated as the old one was formed over forty years ago. Changing times and laws required that we do this to better serve the community. A Constitution Committee was formed and the process for a new constitution was initiated. Over a period of two years of relentless tweaking, changes and enhancements, the final document in the form of a Trust Deed was prepared, adopted and has now been lodged for registration. The guidance and assistance from Sunilbhai Bhikha and Amishbhai Kika must be acknowledged.
The Main objective of the formation of the trust is to safe guard the assets of the organisation and to ensure proper administration.
The history of the Ramakrishna Vedanta Society has been covered in great detail elsewhere on the site, however, I herewith position a brief summary.
- The construction of the Lakshmi Narayan Mandir and the Ramakrishna Hall were completed in 1972 and was the first such Hindu Complex in Lenasia. Initially the complex was patronised by all Hindu communities but with the expansion of Lenasia more such complexes were built. Patidar Hall and Gandhi Hall are newer halls with better and more modern facilities and with the consecration of the Rameshwar Mandir and the Swami Narayan Mandir the patronage at the RKVS Complex diluted to a certain extent. However, with the acquisition of the corner house we were able to house a resident priest. The Lakshmi Narayan Mandir was renovated in 2001 with a generous donation from the Vijaydev Ratanjee Family Trust. With the help, assistance and advice and of some of the Society members, the kitchen and dining facilities were upgraded. What remains is the upgrading of the Hall which is now a priority.
Shree Jaydevbhai Shukla, our resident priest for the past fifteen years has, with great enthusiasm, introduced and continues to organise and coordinate our religious functions which have proved to be very popular and has been well supported by the community. His endeavours to involve the younger generation is a step in the right direction.
As part of the incentives of the New Constitution, it is required that:
- a governing structure comprising of a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 40 members forms the General Council
- to elect from the General Council, a Board of Trustees of five to seven members
- to elect from the General Council, an Executive Committee (EXCO) comprising of 12 members (excluding the Board of Trustees)
- It is the duty of the EXCO to oversee the day to day functioning of the complex via a Chairman, Vice Chairman. Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer with the balance of the members assisting in various Sub Committees
- It is the duty of the Board of Trustees, taking account of the views of all stakeholders, to safeguard the immediate and long term interests of the Society and to consider the overall direction of the Trust. The responsibility includes the advancement of the of the Society’s reputation, its progress, its stability, its finances and successes of its fundraising and most of all the protection of the assets of the Society.
On behalf of all the Trustees I would like to take this opportunity to reassure all the members of the General Council and the community at large that we will do whatever is necessary to carry out our duties to the best of our ability.
Our sincere thanks and appreciation to all the members, past and present, who have thus far participated and contributed to the establishment and welfare of the RAMAKRISHNA VEDANTA SOCIETY.
Hari Aum